Message from Principal

Welcome to Red Hill School

Red Hill School is a co-educational primary school, situated in the inner south of Canberra, providing an education for 830 students. We are proud to offer the International Baccalaureate Primary Years Program (IB PYP) from preschool to year 6.

Opened in 1960 the school celebrated its 60th anniversary in 2020. Many of the school's buildings and facilities have been upgraded with a new library hall/sports centre and ICT facilities. Further refurbishments have added new classrooms, specialist teaching areas and upgraded playground areas.

As an International Baccalaureate (IB) World School we provide an international education to all students from preschool to year 6. Our aim is to create partnerships with parents and the community that assist students to be active, compassionate, lifelong learners who know they can take action to make a difference to our world. Our school is committed to building a relational school culture based on positive relationships between students, staff, parents and the community.

Our school values create a safe welcoming learning environment that fosters care, respect and intercultural understanding. We value and celebrate the rich cultural diversity of students and families who come from more than 65 different nationalities and cultural backgrounds.

Through purposeful, guided inquiry we strive to develop students who are knowledgeable, curious, intelligent, open-minded and caring. We hope that, as truly internationally minded young people possessing these attributes, our students will take positive action in their world.

Primary Years Program offers an engaging and challenging inquiry program that fosters students' intellectual, social emotional, physical and cultural development.  High standards of academic achievement, combined with a strong emphasis on the arts and physical education, provide students with a challenging, balanced curriculum. Specialist French, physical education, arts and library programs are also taught.

We cater to the individual learning needs of students through a developmentally appropriate curriculum that is differentiated to extend students needing further challenge and to support students who experience difficulties. Specialist learner assistance, English as an additional language (EAL/D) and counselling services are available.

The school also offers before and after school care, a holiday program and an after-school activities private tutor program. We have skilled and passionate staff and an active parent body who work collaboratively to create a learning community that strives to provide every student with the best possible education.

I look forward to meeting you and personally welcoming you to our school community.

Louise Owens
