School Board

Role of the school board

School-based management and decision making is a longstanding and well-embedded philosophy in the ACT public education system, having been an underpinning principle of school management since 1976.

The school board is a formal mechanism for parents, carers, staff and students to participate in school decision-making. The board is responsible for the school's planning and strategic direction. Operational (day-to-day) matters are the responsibility of the principal.

School boards work in partnership with the principal and school community. They have specific responsibility for endorsing and overseeing the strategic direction and priorities of the school; monitoring and reviewing school performance; developing, maintaining and reviewing curriculum; and approving budgets and policies for the effective use of school resources; and management of financial risk. Board members are also responsible for raising community issues relating to school board functions at meetings. Meeting processes and protocols are adhered to in fulfilling this responsibility. School boards observe Directorate and ACT Government priorities and legislative obligations, which are underpinned by the Education Act 2004.

Please use this link for further information about school boards in the ACT: School Boards - Education ( page includes links to a number of documents including the School Board Handbook which outlines how school boards are to operate and also provides useful information for new board members.

The Red Hill School Board is made up of seven members.  One parent is elected Board Chair. The members include: one member from the P&C Association of the school; two members from the parents, guardians and carers of students at the school; two elected teachers from the school staff; one appointed member (who is external to the school community, and who does not report to the Directorate), and the principal who is the Executive Officer of the Board.

The functions of the school board of a public school are to:

  • establish strategic direction and priorities for the school
  • monitor and review school performance and to report on it to the Director-General, parents of students at the school and staff
  • develop, maintain and review curriculum for the school
  • develop and review education policies at the school
  • establish budgetary policies and approve the school budget
  • establish policies for the efficient and effective use of school assets and the management of financial risk
  • develop relationships between the school and the community and between the school and community organisations
  • make recommendations to the Director-General on issues affecting the school and to give effect to the Director-General's directions
  • encourage parent participation in their children's learning; and
  • exercise any other function given to the board under this Act or other Territory law.

Communication between the school community and the school board

Regular communication between the school community and the school board is vital to ensuring that the board involves the parent community in decision-making about Red Hill School. Parents and Citizens Association members of the board regularly consult with and listen to the views of the parent community, particularly through the P&C. Communication and cooperation between the Red Hill Board and the P&C is enhanced by:

  • having a standing agenda item at each board meeting for the P&C to raise issues for consideration of the board, and
  • having a standing agenda item at each P&C meeting for a representative of the board to provide an update on issues and priorities discussed at board meetings.

As well as communicating through P&C meetings, the board communicates with the school community through the school's newsletter and website, and other meetings of parents, carers, staff and students.

The board can be contacted via the school's administration team:

The Board meets eight times a year (in weeks 3 and 8 of each term) and contributes to the development of the school's School Improvement Plan, Annual Action Plan and the Annual School Board Report. Copies of these documents are available below in the school reports section.

Raising issues of concern

Issues about individual children (such as about your child's learning at school, or your child's interaction with particular other children) are best raised with the classroom teacher in the first instance, and with an executive teacher or the principal as needed. Issues about the school's policies and performance, whether overall or in a specific area, are best raised with the Board (either through initial discussion at P&C meetings, or by contacting the Board Chair and/or Parent Members).

2024 Board Members

Louise Owens (Principal – Executive Officer)

Samantha Harris (Teacher)

Samantha Walker (Board Chair and Parent Member)

Ellie Deacon (Teacher)

Kris O'Sullivan (P & C Member)

TBA        (Parent Member)

Sean Galbraith (Appointed Community Member)

Marko Tancheski (Board Secretary)

Annual Action Plan Report/ Impact Report

Red Hill Primary School Impact Report 2023 (PDF 186.3 KB)

Red Hill Primary School Impact Report 2023 (PDF 619.0 KB)

Red Hill Primary School Impact Report 2022 (PDF 171.0 KB)

Red Hill Primary School Impact Report 2022 (PDF 562.0 KB)

Red Hill School Impact Report 2020 (PDF 465.7 KB)

Red Hill School Impact Report 2020 (PDF 155.5 KB)

Annual School Board Report

Red Hill Primary School Annual School Board Report 2023 (PDF 505.4 KB)

Red Hill Primary School Annual School Board Report 2023 (PDF 484.9 KB)

Red Hill School Annual School Board Report 2022 (PDF 513.7 KB)

Red Hill Primary School Annual School Board Report 2021 (PDF 511.5 KB)

Red Hill Primary School Annual School Board Report 2021 (PDF 490.8 KB)

Red Hill Primary School Annual School Board Report 2020 (PDF 482.0 KB)

Red Hill Primary School Annual School Board Report 2020 (PDF 513.4 KB)

External School Review Report

Red Hill Primary School Report of Review 2021 (PDF 404.3 KB)

Red Hill Primary School Report of Review 2021 (PDF 453.3 KB)

School Improvement Plan

Red Hill Primary School Improvement Plan 2022-2026 (PDF 1.9 MB)

Red Hill Primary School Improvement Plan 2022-2026 (PDF 489.9 KB)